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Aspects Animals, Animals, Animals Mad Libs Junior

Aspects Animals, Animals, Animals Mad Libs Junior

Over the years I continued to attend their meetings but 2005 was the beginning of a five year investment that Big Cat Rescue would put into improving the rules that regulate the possession of wild animals. I attended countless stakeholder meetings, watched in horror as their Captive Wild Animal Technical Assistance Group made one self serving suggestion after another in the hopes of making it easier for the 9 out of 11 of them to deal in wildlife and I attended most of the Commissioner hearings. The only people who attended these meetings were people who own and exploit wild animals and who sp

From 1999 until 2003 Big Cat Rescue worked to support the Captive Wildlife Safety Act which was a federal bill that prevented the sale of big cats, (lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cougars and cheetahs) across state lines as pets. The number of cats we had been called upon to rescue had been doubling every other year and in 2003 we had to turn away 312 big cats who had been bred for use as pets and props and now had outgrown their profitability. When the Captive Wildlife Safety Act passed, the next year the number we had to turn away dropped to 110 and has continued to drop every year. This

I find this hard to write. I have put it off for two days, but need to record it while it is still fresh in my mind and while I have the notes, sent out as Tweets, from the momentous day; September 1, 2010. It is easy for me to write when I am impassioned against some terrible wrong. The words flow fast like our creek does following a brush with a hurricane; so fast in fact that it takes a lot of editing to make sense of it all sometimes. But now, in the wake of this long and frustrating battle, I find myself exhausted as if finally swimming ashore from some distant shipwreck I find the oasis